
Tuesday 19 December 2023

At Least I May Be Clean

I've been clearing out some shelves. Thinking about it, this house hasn't had a proper turn out since before bear was born. There have been, however, a few half-hearted attempts which left stashes buried and forgotten. Today I've been clearing out a neglected corner and found a stash of over a dozen packets of wet wipes that must be around fifteen years old. I opened one packet and they were still dampish. I may no longer need them to mop up a toddler, but I think that they aren't fit to donate so I'll use them to dust and wipe around the house. It's a great excuse to get me going. I also found around a dozen bars of hand soap. Both of these would have only been pennies, because I only bought that sort of quantity when it was a real steal. They say cleanliness is next to Godliness. I have at least a chance of being clean. 

When Covid hit at the beginning of 2020, I didn't panic buy toilet rolls. I already had a stash, well, a mountain really. I'd put the toilet paper on Subscribe and Save on Amazon and rather over bought. I cancelled the subscription at the end of 2019! I was giving the stuff away. We're finally getting back to buying normally. I also have at least a year's supply of black bin bags. I'm rethinking my buying habits. 

I've only been in the garden as I've been too tired to drive. I'm a little worried as I spotted some shoots on Deirdre, the overgrown honeysuckly by the gate, and I hope they aren't caught by the frost. I'd hate to lost that plant.

It's not a brilliant picture, but while I got some great pics of rats swarming our garden, I'm not sure about sharing them yet. It was a lot of baby rats, which look cute, but I'm not sure I want to share that. I'm not surprised. They've been doing something to the sewer in the street again and the beck has been running high after a lot of rain, so I think a lot of rats were disturbed. I really don't want to encourage them into our garden. We may have to abandon feeding the birds. Well, apart from the berries from Gladys and Deirdre. 

Writing stuff - today's writing prompt is here. Please feel free to dip in if you think it will be fun, even if you never share anything. Writing is amazingly good for my mental health and as I've written around a thousand words today, I'm doing pretty good. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. A little bit at a time and every little bit counts. Good for you for tackling some bits.
    Not sure about the rats, they can be cute, but icky at the same time. My Mum absolutely hated rats. She remembered them around the house when she was younger. She wouldn't go anywhere near where they might be in the park.

    1. We haven't had any come in so far, but I'm far from keen on the idea! I think that's what worries me about them, with the fact that the birds aren't getting fed.

  2. A good idea to use the old wet wipes to clean the house and the bars of hand soap will be useful, too. I stock up on household supplies on a quarterly basis, more or less, and usually buy enough for about 6 months at a time! I think I still have enough soap and toothpaste to last for the first half of next year, but, I need to buy more paper towels as I am on the last roll right now (I know that rags are better as they can be washed and reused, but, I prefer paper towels to clean up after Dancer).

    1. My usual supermarket, Tesco, has a 4 for the price of 3 offer on cleaning around twice a year. Once I'm more organised, I plan to buy my supplies then.
      I plan on switching over to bar soap once my liquid soap stash is finally used up. They are so much more economical.

  3. I always shudder at the thought of rats but the poor little things don't know they aren't liked. I'd be saying 'oh how cute' if you'd said rabbits.

    1. These baby rats are completely cute, though I've seen one rat running around that's built like a bear. But the birds aren't getting fed and I worry about the rats getting into the house.

  4. heres my dreadful wet wipe story ...himself always needs help toileting so it often involves wet wipes , last week he kept moaning he was very sore and thats when i realised i have been cleaning him up with limescale removal wipes for over a week !!! my excuse they were the same colour packet , i told him it must be something hed eaten ..oooops

    1. I'm your witness that you only ever used the finest moistlets!
