
Thursday, 7 December 2023

Quiet Day

Not much has happened. I'm shattered. I've kept up to the lists and they're really helping. 

I've run out of steam for today, but here's a pic of a Victorian vampire slaying kit that I took when I visited the Royal Armouries

It was probably a gimmick even then but it's fun. 

I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully making sense.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Glad the lists are helping. I've fell off the wagon.

    1. Sending hugs. I'm taking any lapse as a brief lull that's unimportant. I hope that you can get them to work for you soon.

  2. If you kept up with the lists, then, you did what you needed to get done. I was writing out my daily to do list, today, and I realized that I don't even list half the things I do on a daily basis! LOL.

    1. Thank you!

      As I'm feeling so overwhelmed and bewildered, I'm putting down as much as possible and it's surprising how many little bits can get added. I'm putting everything on that I can think of, not worrying if I don't get them done, and hoping that more become habit over the next few months.
