
Saturday 9 December 2023


I know it's not as bad as in some places, but the winds are fierce and the rain this morning was scary. I actually got out of the house and drove to Tesco, but the roads were running with water. There were places where it was tricky to drive because of the water. I considered stopping and knitting, but decided I didn't want to risk waiting. We're not too bad here, but there's a flood alert in the centre of Leeds and Kirkstall and that's been flooded before. 

By the way, if you want to check flood warnings in the UK, you can find the info here. It's a note of all the flood warnings outstanding and it's live, that is, it's showing the updates as they happen.

The only pic that I took today was this.

Tesco have a leaky roof. As far as I can tell, this is the only public part of the building that is affect, but every time that there's any sort of rain, they have to put the buckets out to catch the drips. 

I've ticked some boxes and they are continuing to help. I've also got a lot of writing stuff done, so I'm happy about that. Now I'm about to slope off to bed.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. It's been windy here today. The winds weren't at the right angle to hit the lighthouse to create high waves. I was hoping. I got out for a walk this morning and got wet!
    When I talked to my sister yesterday she said they were talking about closing the Orwell Bridge in Ipswich which is the bypass for the town. When it's closed traffic gridlocks the town.
    Hope the winds ease up!

    1. It must be scary in Ipswich when that sort of weather hits. The weather is definitely getting wilder.

  2. Glad you decided not to stop and knit in the car in the rain, although I know you like to do that! In my opinion, home is the best place to be when it is stormy outside!

    1. It was definitely the best place to be yesterday!
